Saturday, 11 August 2012

New arrivals for August

Hi, just another quick update to say that the following is now available.

OB's with pressed and modern doors by Badger Bits. Wonderful detail in the casting taken from a rapid prototype master. Each one is supplied with a set of decals and is priced at $20.00 per wagon.  Bogies $5.00 extra including archbar variety if requested. Microtrains couplers available separately as well.

Badger Bits DL with brass etch miirrors and wipers for the ureathane casting. Price $95.00  Decals can be requested as Phil will do some for each one sold that the customer wants.

36" spoked wheels are now back in stock. 12 pk only $12.00

Enjoy yout modelling.

Chris Pearce (SpiritDesign)