Wednesday, 15 November 2023

 Heaps of new products coming or landed now

Recently I released 11 new products with more to come

Several brass kits have been updated to 3D versions, which will allow more builders to easily complete their rosters as the 3D prints are 1-piece bodies with only a few components to glue on.

This has allowed 6 versions of the T class including T413 dynamic braked unit and the Y class.  What's more, I have now developed dummy units so all the above will be available with running chassies.  So, if you can't find a mech or can’t convert one these kits will allow your roster to expand with little effort and a reduced financial investment.

The dummy versions of the T's and Y's will be compatible with the DC and DCC systems you have. These will be available before Christmas as I'm printing the bodies and laser-cutting the other parts needed to complete the kits

Tuesday, 29 August 2023

 Well, things are finally happening again. I have a number of projects (15) that are coming to completion very soon. These include 3D versions of some wagons and carriages plus a new range of wagons, scenery items and bogies. A number of brass locos will now be 3D printed with add-on see-through grillwork to match the previous brass versions

Happy modelling - Cheers Chris

Friday, 14 April 2023

3D happenings

 Available shortly will be the earlier version RY/HZ/IZ/GZ 3D print plus brass shunter steps and metal wheels. The RY is 4 inches lower than a GY. Common to anyone modelling up to the 1980s. It has riveted/welded features plus an integrated underframe that accepts Micro Trains 1015 couplers

Also, a number of my current Way and Works buildings will also be available as 3D printed and only need painting to finish. The current range of laser-cut buildings will also be available as ongoing kits for those who still like the wooden appearance.

Recently I bought a new resin printer which gives greater details to the models produced and I have been updating the H220 kit to reflect the new detail available. After months of working on the gardens of the new house, I can finally get back to finishing this kit.